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Cab Service Jodhpur Makes Your Ride, Even More, Happier
What is the distance between Jodhpur and Udaipur, and how much does a taxi cost?
The distance between Jodhpur and Udaipur is 250 km and takes 5 hours and 30 minutes by car. The cheapest fare is Rs 6500 for an Sedan car. The cost of a return SUV cab ride from Jodhpur to Udaipur ranges between Rs.15 and Rs.18 per km. We have been providing transportation from Jodhpur to Udaipur for one-way and return trips for a long time. Jodhpur was ruled by the Rathor kings, and there were some famous kings who fought many historical wars with the Mughals during their reign and enlarged the Jodhpur empire with their valour. Apart from that, the Rathore king constructed various historical monuments, landmarks, and forts to which lakhs of people from all over the country and beyond flock each year.
The cheapest return cab journey from Jodhpur To Udaipur starts at ₹7000-7500 for a Hatchback car, including tolls. To receive the best prices, book your taxi or cab in advance. You can also book your chosen Jodhpur To Udaipur taxi or tempo traveler by contacting us.
Jodhpur to Udaipur taxi is providing by Jodhpur cab service since 12 years and in last 7 years we have registered more than 27% growth in Jodhpur to Udaipur one way journey and many new customers join us. Our company also provide some discount offers from our side if customers book their car Jodhpur to Udaipur cab service few days before the scheduled time. You can also book your cab or taxi with us through a phone call.
We provide one way taxi service from all the districts of Rajasthan as well as some of the big cities of India. We offer our customers a wide range of vehicles for their comfortable journey, you can explore cab options like Hatchback, Sedan (Etios or Swift DZire), Executive Sedan, SUV (Innova) and many more. We also offer Jodhpur to Jaipur Taxi Service , Jodhpur to Jaisalmer Taxi Service , Jodhpur to Delhi Taxi Service.
Jodhpur to Udaipur Taxi You can without much of a stretch book your number one vehicle by calling us whenever and from anyplace. We offer you a wide assortment of taxis, you can visit our site and pick the best vehicle type according to your spending plan and travel prerequisite. Furthermore, we completely spotless and clean the vehicle priority to giving the vehicle to our clients and give prepared and proficient drivers to your excursion.
We demand our clients to give input on the entirety of our excursions so the straightforwardness of the Cab Administration we give is seen by the entirety of our clients and we know about the bother caused during any excursion anytime of time. We deal with everyone of our excursions and train our drivers to work with our clients’ process and resolve any issues speedily so no client faces any movement related issues during the excursion.
Jodhpur Cab Service has its own website for customer usage anytime, anywhere.
You can book any car for just an hour or full 7 days, with no limitation.
Our website gives you the opportunity to quickly and effectively book online. After, we will send you a card to access the vehicle
Mid Size Economy Car Passengers : 5 (Including Driver) ₹ 11 / km (300 km Min) ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge
― Book NowMid Size Economy Car Passengers : 5 (Including Driver) ₹ 11 / km (300 km Min) ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge
― Book NowLuxury Car Passengers : 7 (Including Driver) ₹ 16 / km (300 km Min) ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge
― Book NowLuxury Car Passengers : 7 (Including Driver) ₹ 18 / km (300 km Min) ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge
― Book NowLuxury Car Passengers : 7 (Including Driver) ₹ 55 / km (300 km Min) ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge
― Book NowLuxury Tempo 12/ 14 /17 Seater Passengers : 25 (Including Driver) ₹ 25 / km (300 km Min) ₹ 300 Driver Night Charge
― Book NowC Road, Sardarpura, Jodhpur , Rajasthan 342001
Phone: +91 9571630829
Mon –Sun : 24/7 Open
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